How We Create Value
Giving advice is simple.
Giving good advice is challenging.
Creating value is an even more difficult commitment.
We create value for you developing the plans to preserve, protect, grow, and transfer your wealth. We implement the disciplined investment and wealth management strategies to support your plan. We supply the energy, time, talent and resources that help you prioritize and achieve your goals and objectives.
How we create value
We serve each client as a team.
We manage as many as 100 wealth management workflows.
How We Create Value
Giving advice is simple.
Giving good advice is challenging.
Creating value is an even more difficult commitment.
We create value for you developing the plans to preserve, protect, grow, and transfer your wealth. We implement the disciplined investment and wealth management strategies to support your plan. We supply the energy, time, talent and resources that help you prioritize and achieve your goals and objectives.
Fiduciary Wealth Management
Scottsdale | Phoenix
Scottsdale | Phoenix

Wealth management
designed to maximize your life.
We serve each client as a team.
We manage as many as 100 wealth management workflows.
How We Create Value | We start by helping you develop good answers to lots of questions.
Questions. Lots of them.
It comes from asking the right questions.
Start at the beginning.
If you don’t dedicate the time up front to work through the relevant questions, you may spend more time later correcting missteps and trying to make up for lost time, sometimes desperately.
Do you have some of these questions?
Perhaps you are looking for guidance or answers to some of the questions behind the workflow elements below of our “Periodic Table of 100 Wealth Management Workflows” that we offer to our client families.
Periodic Table of 100 Wealth Management Workflows
01 Wealth Planning, Advice and Counsel
Wealth Planning, Advice and Counsel
It's just part of what we do.
Managing personal wealth can be a bit complex.
Managing personal wealth
can be a bit complex.
CEO 01
Roles and Responsibilities
AssessmentsDo you want to be the Chairman and CEO or the other “chiefs” who get things done? Do you have the knowledge, resources, time, temperament and desire to be on the front lines every day?
Nw 02
Lifestyle Asset and
Net Worth AnalysisLifestyle assets are seldom reliable income-producing, appreciating assets. Do you have enough financial assets to sustain your lifestyle assets without an income?
Dr 03
Leverage and
Debt ReviewLeverage is a double-edged sword. It can help and hurt you. Is your debt duration-matched to your assets and appropriately structured?
Fd 04
Family Financial Discussions
Within your family, needs are different and reasons for prosperity differ, so the roads wind in a variety of directions. Who can help you discuss your family’s needs?
Gs 05
Setting Goals,
Objectives and PrioritiesHave you translated your needs into specific achievable goals with measurable objectives so you can tell if you are likely to achieve your goals on time?
WM 06
Management PlanningPlans describe achievements in advance. Do you have a well-conceived plan to accomplish your goals and objectives? Who has copies of your plan?
IP 07
Saving and
Investment PlanningDo you know the key drivers of saving and investment success? Do you recognize the camouflaging distractions that work against your success?
Rp 08
Exit and
Retirement PlanningThe central issue in retirement planning is replacing your earned income. Do you know how much you’ll need to save and invest to get the job done?
Sn 09
Special Needs
PlanningAbout 1/4 of U.S. households have a current family member with special physical, social or emotional needs.1 Does your plan include caring for a family member with special needs?
Ip 10
PlanningThe chance of a 20-year-old having a disability lasting six or more months before the age of 67 is around 30%.2 Do you have plans and documents in place to support your incapacity?
Ep 11
Trust and
Estate PlanningHow have you planned to protect and take care of yourselves and your loved ones? Are you prepared for the “curveballs” that life throws at you?
Ph 12
Philanthropy and
Legacy PlanningThe U.S. Tax Code offers you considerable choice in how you pay your taxes. Have you planned and integrated your charitable giving into payment of your taxes?
02 Client Advisor Team Development
Client Advisor Team Development
It's just part of what we do.
No one feels fully prepared to be CEO for the first time.
No one feels fully prepared
to be CEO for the first time.
WS 13
Subject Matter ExpertiseWealth management is an integrative discipline. It operates at the intersection of 10 allied sub-disciplines. Who provides the integrative leadership for your team?
Wb 14
Client Wealth BiographyTMYou are more than a list of assets and liabilities, and income and expenses. Who is curating the history, aspirations, hopes and anxieties for you and your family?
TL 15
Team LearningBuilding a team of advisors –financial, accounting, legal, insurance – takes time and energy. Do you have a team and who is providing the coordinating leadership?
CS 16
Outside-the-Box SolutionsWealth management is most often focused on solving multi-faceted, complex problems that require thinking outside the box. Who are your inter-disciplinary deep, creative thinkers?
Pp 17
Improved Process
ProductivityMultidisciplinary teams hasten the process and productivity cadence. Who develops and manages the inter-disciplinary flywheel of processes and productivity?
WI 18
Workflow ImplementationData and knowledge silos are created when only certain people know things. Who reduces these barriers and inefficiencies and increases effectiveness for you?
Ap 19
Wealth Management PlanPlans don’t run themselves. A plan sits on a shelf unless and until a team works the plan. Who has activated your plan and who is managing its progress?
Ca 20
Financial Services
Cost/Value StudyLowest cost doesn’t win. Lowest applied cost wins. That’s where value resides. Have you audited the value of your financial services vs. your associated costs?
03 Investment Management
Investment Management
It's just part of what we do.
If you don't get this right, nothing else matters.
If you don't get this right,
nothing else matters.
AL 21
StudyInvestment strategies are based on the results of an asset/liability study. Investing without an asset/liability study is folly. Who maintains your asset/liability study?
Rc 22
Risk Willingness and Capacity Studies
Are your investments appropriately risked to match with your risk tolerance? Can your financial circumstances support your investment portfolio risk?
Aa 23
Asset Allocation
and LocationBetter asset allocation and location decisions can extend the life of your portfolio. Have you analyzed which investments to locate in each of your accounts?
Ra 24
Portfolio Risk
StudyWe all want to know how our portfolio would have performed over short and long-term periods. Do you know the historical risk profile of your investments and portfolio?
Es 25
Economic Scenario
StudyWe all have “what-if” investment questions on our mind. Have you had the potential future risks to your portfolio modeled under various economic scenarios?
IG 26
Investment GuidelinesHas your portfolio become a collection of various investments accumulated through the years? Or, is it the result of written, well-conceived investment guidelines to match your plan?
Da 27
Intelligence AnalysisTrue diversification smooths out the bumps in investing and creates better risk-adjusted returns. Do you have true diversification engineered into your portfolio?
IS 28
Tailored Individual
Security PortfoliosMutual fund investors can be costly business partners to have. Do you insulate your investments from the adverse behaviors of undisciplined mutual fund investors?
TS 29
Portfolio ManagementWe’ve all heard it before. It’s not what you make. It’s what you keep. Are your portfolio management operations integrated with your tax returns?
Pr 30
Progress Reporting
AnalysisYour long-term compounded rates of return are the cornerstone of your investment success. Do you know your two essential compounded, risk-adjusted investment returns?
IB 31
Investment Behavior
AssessmentInvestment behavior mistakes punish. Are you a short-term speculator or a long-term investor? Do you really achieve and benefit from essential long-term compounding of your returns?
Bc 32
Investment Behavior
CoachingInvestor behavior is perhaps the largest single factor that determines investment success or failure. Do you know if your investment behavior is hurting or helping your returns?
04 Tax Planning and Strategy
Tax Planning and Strategy
It's just part of what we do.
It’s not about what you make. It’s about what you keep.
It’s not about what you make.
It’s about what you keep.
TR 33
Asset Title
ReviewsHow you hold title to your assets should always be determined before you acquire an asset. Who reviews and helps you plan how to title your assets?
Tc 34
Character ReviewsHow you acquire, transfer and sell your assets, and recognize your income and expenses creates your tax liabilities. Who reviews and helps you plan your transactions?
Tt 35
Transaction Structure
And Timing ReviewHow you structure and time your financial transactions can increase or decrease your tax liabilities, perhaps significantly. Who reviews and helps you time and structure your transactions?
Th 36
Time-Horizon Tax ReviewTaxes attached to your wealth can easily extend two or more generations into the future. Who reviews and plans for these inter-generational tax exposures for you?
TJ 37
Jurisdiction ReviewTaxes are levied by the jurisdictions in which your assets and liabilities reside and income and expenses are recognized. Who reviews your jurisdictional tax liabilities?
TS 38
Scenario Tax
ForecastsHow the future unfolds for you and changes in tax rates will affect the durability of your plan. Who models the various scenarios of how your future might unfold?
Pt 39
Prohibited Transaction
ReviewThere are penalties, excise taxes and disqualifications and loss of status that may occur from uninformed mistakes. Who helps you avoid making mistakes?
AP 40
Asset Protection
ReviewWealth is a magnet for rapacious creditors and predators. Who helps you structure and protect your wealth from barbarians at the gate?
Ta 41
Transaction ReviewThe U.S. Tax Code provides numerous opportunities for tax-advantaged transactions. Who reviews your plan and identifies opportunities you may wish to consider?
05 Exit and Retirement Planning
Exit and Retirement Planning
It's just part of what we do.
You need to be the author.
DC 42
Vision and
Desired CalendarYou must describe your vision of the life you wish to live. Few of us are living our perfect calendar. Who helps you develop and pursue your perfect calendar?
Rs 43
Asset/Liability StudyMost of us need to earn investment rates of return well above the inflation rate. Are you taking enough risk to successfully fund your retirement liabilities?
Pp 44
Purchasing Power
Loss Exposure StudyInflation is a feature of our modern monetary and economic era. It is yet another tax we all must pay in varying degrees. Have you accounted for inflation in your plan?
Is 45
Income Stability
StudySources of income matter. Stable vs. volatile, rising vs. constant, taxable vs. after-tax, non-guaranteed vs. guaranteed. Have you tested your plan to account for income decline and loss?
Sa 46
Retirement Income
Shortfall AnalysisRunning out of money may be a significant retirement risk. Will you be able to sustain a stable and rising income throughout your retirement?
Cp 47
Critical Path
StudyWe all hope for the best but need to plan for the worst. Do you know if you can withstand a financial “nuclear winter” from long periods of low returns?
TO 48
Distribution and
Tax-Optimization StudyTaxable, tax-deferred, tax-preferenced and tax-free accounts. We all should have them. Have you modeled how to improve your after-tax income from these different accounts?
Lt 49
Long-Term Care
Cost Coverage AnalysisHealth care expenses will be one of your largest expenses in retirement. Have you appropriately forecast your long-term care expenses in retirement?
SS 50
Social Security
Claiming StrategyA sub-optimal claiming strategy could cost you tens, even hundreds of thousands of dollars. Have you analyzed your potential optimal Social Security claiming strategy?
Ga 51
Medical Gap
AnalysisMedicare Advantage, Medicare Traditional, Parts A, B, C, D, MAGI, Medicare Supplemental coverage policies. Do you have the coverages that best meet your needs?
06 Risk Survey and Insurance Planning
Risk Survey and Insurance Planning
It's just part of what we do.
Risk and insurance touch every aspect of your life.
Risk and insurance touch
every aspect of your life.
Ri 52
Risk Identification
It’s the things we don’t see coming that hurt us and set us back. Do you know your risk exposures and risk mitigation strategies? Who helps you review and manage this?
Ra 53
Risk Assessment
Your basket of risks all have different potential negative financial impacts on your life. Who helps you assess the risks in the lives of your family and the risks to your plan?
RQ 54
Risk Quantification
Likelihood of occurrence and financial impact will help you determine the order of importance in your risk inventory. Who helps you quantify your loss exposures?
RT 55
Risk Treatment
There are strategies that you can use to mitigate your risks before considering using insurance to help protect you. Who helps you create your risk matrix?
Cr 56
Insurance Coverage
RequirementsPolicies have different forms of coverage, limitations, restrictions, exclusions, riders, insureds and beneficiaries. Who helps you evaluate appropriate policies and coverage amounts?
PR 57
Policy Reccomendation
Underwriting, insurer financial strength, forms of coverage, claims paying experience are all purchase considerations. Who helps you evaluate your offers of coverage?
Pr 58
Policy Review
Being improperly insured, under-insured and over-insured all present different problems. Who helps you track policy changes and your changing coverage needs?
Ga 59
Coverage Gap Analysis
If there is a constant in life, it is change. Changes in your life often immediately affect your insurance needs. Who helps you identify uncovered risks. Who helps you analyze gaps in your coverages?
TB 60
Tax Advantages and Benefits
There are tax benefits when insurance coverage is wisely acquired and financed. Who helps you capture potential insurance tax benefits and avoid potential tax mistakes?
07 Budget and Saving Management
Budget and Saving Management
It's just part of what we do.
Earn thousands and spend hundreds to save.
Earn thousands and
spend hundreds to save.
KP 61
Key Performance
Indicators KPI DashboardKey performance indicators are the critical (key) quantifiable indicators of progress toward your intended results. Do you have access to a dashboard that measures you KPIs?
Sr 62
Tax-Deferred, Tax-Free &
Taxable Saving RatesThere are opportunities and advantages to saving and investing under different tax rules. Do you exploit all your tax-advantaged saving and investing opportunities?
Br 63
Cash Burn RateYou cash burn Rate is the percentage of your gross income being spent on your personal living expenses. Do you track and manage your burn rate to build savings?
Sr 64
Income Stability
RateYour income stability rate affects how you budget, save and invest. Do you know your income stability rate and how to budget, save and invest with it?
Dr 65
Borrowing and
Debt RateBorrowing and debt rate are important signals to your financial strength and capacity to stay on plan. Do you have active reporting of your borrowing and debt rate?
Re 66
Uninsured Risk
Exposure RateThe dark side of risk can set you back, move you off your plan or ruin everything. How do you track and measure your uninsured risk and exposure rate?
Eq 67
Equity Investment
RateYour risk willingness and risk capacity studies will help identify the risk envelope for your investment portfolios. How do you determine your equity investment rate?
Er 68
Tax Efficiency
RateYour income taxes are most likely your largest expense category. How do you track, manage and reduce your marginal and effectives income tax rates?
CL 69
Cash Liquidity
RateCash liquidity is what prevents you from being insolvent and unable to pay your bills as they come due. How do you track and manage your liquidity rate?
Cp 70
Critical Path
RateThe critical path occurs when all the dominoes fall the wrong way for you at the same time. How do you track and manage to survive a financial “nuclear winter?”
08 Cash and Liquidity Management
Cash and Liquidity Management
It's just part of what we do.
Cash flow is the oxygen of your financial life.
Cash flow is the oxygen
of your financial life.
Cf 71
Cash Flow BridgeWe all need our cash inflows to exceed our cash outflows or we risk financial pain and ruin. Do you benefit from a data visualization of your liquidity and sources and uses of cash?
BC 72
Bank Connectivity
Gone are the days of opening accounts at multiple FDIC banks and moving deposits around to chase the highest interest rates. Do you have this automated to a single online account?
CA 73
Cash Visibility
With a single pane-of-glass to see all your personal and business accounts, it is easy to maintain 100% visibility to your cash availability. Do you have this functionality?
CP 74
Cash Positioning
Positioning your cash in the appropriate accounts helps you avoid the traps of regulatory gates and restrictions. Do you have a plan to gain access to your cash without tripwires?
OL 75
Optimized Liquidity
Optimizing your liquidity comes from harmonizing your cash availability with your short-term credit facilities. Are your cash and short-term borrowing ability optimized?
IY 76
Improved Yield
On Excess CashThere are wide disparities in the rates your excess cash liquidity can earn. Are you exploiting the highest U.S. gov’t guaranteed rates available for your cash positions?
US 77
Individual U.S. Treasury
Security PortfolioWhen short-term rates move around, the U.S. Treasury market can offer attractive opportunities. Do you take advantage of the U.S. Treasury market?
Fd 78
FDIC Insured PortfolioThe FDIC limits bank deposit insurance to $1,250,000. Are you set up to gain access to up to $20 million of FDIC insurance for your accounts through a single provider?
09 Trust and Estate Planning
Trust and Estate Planning
It's just part of what we do.
If you don't have a plan, the government has one for you.
If you don't have a plan,
the government has one for you.
LM 79
Meaning, ImpactThe legal documents that transfer your estate detail who gets what, when and how. Have you prepared documents to explain your wishes for your family and why?
Wt 80
Wealth TransferInheritances are created with the hope of helping posterity. However, that is not always the result. Have you structured the transfer of your estate to foster beneficiary aspiration?
IA 81
AlignmentWealth transfer strategies should be aligned with your intent and wishes for your posterity to avoid problems. Have you aligned your wealth transfer strategies with your intentions?
CE 82
and EducationFamily members likely have broad differences in skills, attitudes and behaviors with money. Have you educated and communicated about your estate appropriately?
AC 83
Stakeholder Alignment
and CollaborationThere may be assets that pass in your estate with undivided fractional interests. How have you prepared for the alignment and collaboration of your stakeholders?
LE 84
Life Estate Plan
The most important beneficiary of your estate plan is you and your spouse if you are still here but unable to manage your affairs. Do you have a life estate plan?
FS 85
Fiduciary Safeguards
Being legally responsible for someone else’s money requires utmost integrity of character and specialized knowledge. Have you provided for fiduciary safeguards in your estate plan?
Tr 86
Tactical Reviews
and AnalysesThe nature and character of your family wealth may change and laws and regulations certainly change. Do you review and analyze the changes that may affect your estate plan?
Tt 87
Wealth Transfer Taxes
Wealth transfer taxes may be a significant cost for your family and posterity. Wealth transfer costs may be complex and significant. Have you planned for your wealth transfer tax payments?
As 88
Trust Advisory Services
Trusts can help you achieve many protections and accomplish many goals. Do you have the trustees, trust advisors and protectors and trust jurisdictions best for you?
Pa 89
Estate Plan Activation
The time to begin activating your estate plan is now, not after you’re gone. Have you activated your plan now to help reduce and avoid the post-loss transactional stress?
Ng 90
Nextgen Planning
Estate planning can have a multi-generational time horizon. Have you planned for the look around the first corner of your longer estate planning timeframe?
10 Philanthropic and Legacy Planning
Philanthropic and Legacy Planning
It's just part of what we do.
There will be gratitude for your help.
Pd 91
Family Philanthropy Discussions
Motivations for philanthropy are personal, varied and may well change over time. Have you addressed the questions that will help you define your philanthropic intent?
Fp 92
Family Philanthropy Philosophy
Your experiences, family, heritage, faith and desire to create a legacy may all contribute to your intent. Have you developed a family philanthropy philosophy?
Pi 93
Family Philanthropy Implementation
Once you know the “why,” you’ll need to consider the who, what, when and where of your endeavors. Do you have a plan that describes how implementation will get done?
Pr 94
Family Philanthropy Roadmap
Your roadmap outlines the framework, processes and milestones for achieving your giving goals. Have you created a roadmap for your stakeholders to follow to achieve your goals?
Lt 95
Planning and Strategies for Lifetime Giving
Lifetime giving allows you to engage and manage your philanthropic initiatives and observe the effectiveness of your endeavors. Have you explored lifetime giving opportunities?
Le 96
Planning and Strategies for Legacy Giving
Legacy giving may allow for larger and longer duration initiatives that include your family members and posterity. Have you explored legacy giving opportunities?
TO 97
Structural Design and Tax Optimization
The U.S. Tax Code encourages philanthropy with tax incentives. Are you maximizing the benefits of the tax incentives available to you for your philanthropy?
Ff 98
Donor-Advised Funds and Family Foundations
Legacy giving opportunities designed to involve your family members and posterity may be facilitated with a donor-advised fund (DAF) or family foundation. Have you explored either?
CT 99
Family Charitable Trusts and Charitable Annuities
Legacy giving opportunities designed without involving others may be facilitated with charitable trusts and charitable annuities. Have you explored either?
Pm 100
Philanthropic Investment Management
Philanthropy comes with its own set of regulations and investment requirements. Who and how will these matters be handled and coordinated?