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Wealth Planning, Advice and Counsel

Wealth Planning, Advice and Counsel

Plan, build and protect your family wealth.

How we add value.


Family Financial Discussions

We help you articulate your vision, perhaps beyond what you though possible, and set realistic and achievable objectives with you. We help you create the liberty to plan the future you see for yourself. The beginning is the most important part of the work and it starts with discussions of your history, experiences, anxieties, points of view and your aspirations.


Personal Wealth Education

We help you develop a firm foundation in the essentials of the capital markets in which you will need to invest to accomplish your goals and objectives. We will work with you to ensure you don’t underestimate the ravages of inflation, recurring one-time expenses and taxes. We will help you duration-match your investments to your liabilities to help you reduce shortfall risks.


Wealth Management Plan

We help you create your personalized wealth management plan that describes and targets the roadmap for the achievements you seek. Within your family, needs are different and reasons for prosperity differ, so the roads may wind in a variety of directions. It’s important to take the time to see beyond the moment and develop your longer-term vison.


Saving and Investment Plan

We help you create a tax-optimized saving plan to help build and maintain a diversified portfolio of investments designed to help you meet your planned income and cash needs, invest for asset growth, avoid unrewarded risks and control your tax and investing costs. Our goal is to help you build the long-term wealth that will help you meet your lifelong goals.


Exit and Retirement Plan

We help prepare your retirement plan with informative studies that help you see if your retirement savings and investment strategies are on track to successfully support you for 30-40 years in retirement ― cash flow projections, inflation, health care cost and tax forecasting, Social Security optimization, and pension and retirement plan distribution analysis.


Special Needs Plan

We help you prepare plans for family members with special needs. About 10% of Americans report difficulties with independent living because of cognitive, physical, mental or emotional problems. Family members with special needs tend to earn less and have specialized expenses. Many disabilities are more common and advance among older age groups.


Incapacity Plan

We help you take precautionary measures for the possibility of unexpectedly becoming temporarily or permanently incapacitated due to debilitating health conditions, unexpected accidents, and other unforeseen circumstances. We help create the plan to manage financial and health matters and responsibilities to others due to and during periods of incapacity.


Trust and Estate Plan

We help you address key issues to help you more successfully protect, transfer, and manage your wealth from one generation to the next. We help you establish the commitments and processes of your estate plan that can help minimize wealth transfer failures, emotional disappointments and unwelcomed dissipation of hard-earned savings and earlier investment success.


Philanthropic and Legacy Plan

We help you reach beyond your children to help your posterity and society with your wealth. We help you identify and address issues in your family and society that you would like to help resolve with structured legacy and philanthropic planning using your income, principal or both, during and after your lifetime.

Fiduciary Financial Advisor
Interview Guide

Use our proprietary interview guide, Selecting a Wealth Management Professional, in your advisor search process as you conduct your personal due diligence and dig deeper with more targeted questions during your interview with us and other fiduciary financial advisors.