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ICW Journal

The Multi-Million Dollar Retirement Planning Question

With the days of company pensions faded into memory, it’s up to most of us to build and manage our own pension plans ‒ and manage the multi-million dollar retirement planning question ourselves. How much do we need? And what are the possibilities that we suffer shortfall risk – the possibility that our savings will

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The Psychology of Money

The the key takeaway from the first chapter of Morgan Housel’s remarkable book, The Psychology of Money – “Every decision people make with money is justified by taking the information they have at the moment and plugging it into their unique mental model of how the world works.” This book is one of the best

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For Success, Get Organized

There’s a great bumper sticker out there that reads: “Organized people are just too lazy to search for stuff.” The quip gave me a laugh when I saw it a couple of years back while sitting at a traffic light. To some of us, the idea of being organized seems humorously far-fetched – and more

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The Value of a Budget and a Saving and Spending Policy

If you use a budget, then you know it’s one of the great tools for helping you better manage your cash flow, especially when living off of investment income. If you piggy-back your budget with a second tool ‒ a saving and spending policy ‒ then you can better meet your savings goals and protect

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